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fuel rod

Noun, nuclear physics. A fuel rod is a tube packed with pellets of a fissionable material such as Uranium 235. Many rods are placed in a nuclear reactor where they undergo fission, releasing huge amounts of energy.

Noun, anatomical. A male penis. Placed in a vagina it is capable of releasing huge quantities of spermatozoa which look like little fish.

Dude 1: "Man last night was amazing!"
Dude 2: "How so?"
Dude 1: "My chick's reactor was hot so I stuck in my fuel rod, emptied it and she had a frickin' melt down like Three Mile Island!"

by Wizards Sleeve December 27, 2005

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spent fuel rod

Euphemism for ejaculation.

I came so many times last night my dick felt like a spent fuel rod.

by pdobrinen March 17, 2011

Spent fuel rod


I need to evacuate my spent fuel rods

by Totomart December 28, 2022

uranium fuel rods

something you should it

ur mom: I GOT SOME URANIUM FUEL RODS!!!!!11!!!

by i eat uranium fuel rods July 28, 2022