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funny ha ha

Funny ha ha / Funny strange - Old SNL skit starring Chris Elliot where he and his evil twin own two separate gift shops- one funny "haha" another funny "strange"

Customer: hey I need some whoopee cushions and fake poop for some pranks I'm playing on a friend.
Clerk: Oh, that's more funny ha ha. This shop is more funny strange. Want to see some shrunken heads, or the Fiji mermaid?

by Flava Dave September 11, 2005

17👍 8👎

Funny Funny Ha Ha

1. (n.) a synonym for a funny moment
2. (adj.) a way to describe a funny moment

1: That's going to be hilarious
2. Yeah, it'll be a funny funny ha ha

by bigluestick July 16, 2021

1👍 1👎

Funny Funny ha ha

Adjective: Incredibly amusing, something so funny it makes one laugh.

"Watch this video i found"
"Omg that is so funny funny ha ha"

by The funny funny ha ha man September 6, 2023