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Fuzzy Monkey

A sexual position in which the man hangs from a tree upside down by his dick, while being sucked off by an entity (preferably a monkey)in the tree and also eating out a female on the ground level.

"God, my ex-gf was sooooo boring she wouldn't do a fuzzy monkey with me!"

by bitchbag42069696969 February 23, 2019

9👍 1👎

fuzzy monkey

A woman with more facial hair than most men. (i.e. better sideburns than Kevin Costner when he did that crappy 3000 miles to Graceland movie)

man 1:"Hey did you see Sheryl checking you out?"
man 2:"No way I'd hit that man. She looks like a damn fuzzy monkey."

by thegreatandpowerfulrandini December 21, 2012

1👍 6👎