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Game over, you win!

Whenever you find yourself in a situation that feels like it may escalate from a simple misunderstanding or disagreement into something worse – and you’re really not in the mood, just remember these four little words. This just might be the simplest phrase ever conceived to stop a potential argument dead in its tracks.

M: You’re going to go past it! I said it was on the right!
R: No, you said it was on the left.
M: No, I distinctly told you that it was on the…
R: Game over, you win!

by Politic Ric October 27, 2010

17👍 2👎

game over win

when if you win in a game where you cant do anything at the last turn. For example, You got a 2048 tile in the game of 2048 but when you continue, you cant do anything

Alice: Yay, I win!
Bob: You do realize it is a game over win, right?

by pocodefenitions July 31, 2022