A street gang - located in polk county FL -
Flying the colors wine black green as the pan African flag to symbolize black power and pride
The ( G.LORDs are under the 7 pointed star like no other gang we have seen normally under 6 or 5
This gang is not to be taken - lightly
They move in silence- as The LPD would tell you
A African American - Latino - gang
EBKs Ls 7 - nun people -nun folk -
Common enemy - Aryan Brotherhood the white supremacist the KKK any white supremacist or white power-
Other than that the lords are cool the LPD says
Gangster lords the lord way Power to the people
The gangster lords also know as MGL or maniac Gangsta s. are a street gang located in Florida's central end. The sport the color's - red orange green sometimes black - symbols-7 - PYRAMID - PITCH FORK - FIVE POINT STAR - 3.
AMGL is normally nun threatening but have gotten and will get dangerous over money and respect.
Keep a look out dangerous / but good people
A street gang or family of work
I seen a almighty gangster lords with A GD WTF