A gateway touch is NOT a pc...it is defined as any contact, physicality, and/or touch that sets up, introduces, or leads to another touch, almost always successively more intimate than the previous contact or touch. Exactly like a gateway drug, but is in reference to physical contact.
Gateway touches are often used as an introduction to perhaps a slightly more intimate touch.
Perfect example: John, wanting to put his arm around his date during the movie, stretches, clears his throat, and brings his arm down gently behind his date's shoulder, and gently pulls her towards him, resting his hand on her shoulder protective.
A gateway touch is a touch that could lead to other sexual things
See, Presidential Address Cold Open - SNL
Look at him he is so uncomfortable he hates this, he is worried that this is a gateway touch.
A gateway touch is a good way to touch a woman and figure out if you can keep touching and talking sexual with her at work without getting reported, often starts with a subliminal massage.
Hey look at me I'm a d**k. I work in local government. Think I might start with a gateway touch and then ask the women to go swimming, maybe talk about fetishes, maybe I will run my finger up her leg, maybe put my body up against her body, maybe bring a book about vagina and pubic hair to work, maybe call her magic fingers in a meeting, see if it makes her uncomfortable, I did the gateway touch and she didn't report me, maybe I might tell her I can get it up. If she reports me I'll say lots of words like I can't remember, words like maybe and um and Uh. I should be able to get away with it.