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The study of geeks, geek culture, and the history of geekdom

I have been studying geekology and hopefully, I will get a degree in this subject so I can understand geeks a lot better.

by funny fellas March 20, 2015


A made-up word to describe all things related to Geeks. Used by non Geeks.

The two of them went off into a mode involving geekology

by Bax256 December 15, 2016

2👍 1👎

geekological clock

Much like a woman's biological clock concept; your geekological clock is a figurative concept of when you've gone far too long without owning something that your geek self deems imperative, & thus you obsess over until you have it - having "gone off" or is "ticking".

1. "My geekological clock is ticking cause i STILL don't have the new Zelda game!"
2. "My geekological clock went off, I have to go out and get this figure RIGHT NOW!"

by TheMistressJ February 1, 2014

78👍 1👎

Geekological Niche

A term to describe in which area of culture, science, thought or literature someone finds their home. If someone is into painting miniatures, playing indy games or obsessed with anime, that its their niche in the great Geekological system.

What geekological niche do you inhabit?

Awh man, I'm super into 80's video game scores, how bout you?

I'm all about Wes Anderson Films.

by SlyZephyr November 2, 2020