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Gender atheist

Non-believer. May coincide with religious atheism, as neither transgender or religion has material proof. Both beliefs based on subjective "faith". Just as the religious fundamentalists are no longer burning unbelievers for blasphemy, so neither are gender atheists required to comform to gender faith ideology belief. Gender atheists eschew words "cis" and are horrified by slur "terf" for legitiamate gender critical parents, professionals and anyone who questions orthodoxy.

As a Gender Atheist I ask not to be mis-gendered with ideological terms from the gender fairy.

by Charly Angleworm December 19, 2017

126👍 76👎

Gender atheist

A euphemism for being transphobic. Similar to how white supremacists may hide behind "race realist", or how climate change deniers may hide behind "climate skeptic", some transphobes hide behind "gender atheist" to disguise their bigotry.

I'm not a transphobe. I'm a gender atheist.

by JB Rawls March 3, 2022

54👍 84👎

gender atheist

A person who lacks belief in the concept of gender identity.

A. Did you hear about John? He changed his gender to female.
B. I don't think that's possible.
A. Why?
B. I'm a gender atheist, that's why.

by Nonamename December 19, 2017

72👍 58👎