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General Grevious

To break up with a girl by getting completely naked except for two white socks. You then must grab your dick in one hand, do a nazi salute and goosestep out of the room saying it's over in your best general grevious voice.

"Hey man, just general Grevioused my girlfriend"
"How did it go?"
"My voice was a bit rusty"

by PulpDictionary January 9, 2014

12👍 1👎

General Grevious

When you paint your balls silver, and wear a glow in the dark condom and then proceed to helicopter.

Bro, my girlfriend loves starwars, so I did the general grevious for her

by Prof. Monkey April 28, 2022

General Grevious

Someone who has wished that they could have four arms so the could plessure for different homosexual men at the same time.

T.J. is such a General Grevious.

by Ewok Commander June 5, 2005

15👍 33👎

General Grevious

The Ra Ra Rasputin in the Star Wars Universe without love

Friend: "Hey, Jerry did a General Grevious
Me: "Who is General Grevious
Friend: "Ra Ra Rasputin in Star Wars

by breathn't February 24, 2020

1👍 2👎