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Having a live rodent or small animal (usually a gerbil) and using some sort of tube, forcing the gerbil into ones asshole. No medical case has ever been recorded of someone needing to remove a gerbilfrom ones anus, so we must now come to the conclusiion that either
a) gerbilling doesnt exsist.
B) they are very good at getting the thing out afterwards.
Gerbilling has many famous cases, such as richard gere reportedly having a wild session with the furry animal.
For more information i recommend the south park episode "Death camp of tolerance" which features rather detailed examples of gerbilling.

The hidden line in the song "i will do anything for love".
I will do anything for love
but i wont do that
no i wont do gerbilling with you
no i wont do that


"Im bored, what should we do tonight?"
"I dunno, how about you shove that gerbil up my ass, wait for it to wrigle around and maybe die, then you can pull it out."
"So whats on TV again?"

by Russell Wilson September 20, 2005

308๐Ÿ‘ 176๐Ÿ‘Ž


(vb) An imagined act, (obviously homophobic in origin) in which people (presumably gay men) engage in sexual thrills by inserting a live de-clawed gerbil into the anus of the other person (by the means of a tube). Urban legend asserts the frantic movement of the poor furry creature trying to escape causes sexual stimulation. Although the rumors of this practice have been around since the early 1980s, with thousands of Google references to this, not one documented case of the practice exists. Reference to "gerbilling" is nearly always done with knowledge that the tale is false; it is simply a malicious and hostile disparagement of gay people.

Out of all the internet references swearing to the veracity of gerbilling, it is telling that in almost instances, purveyors of the rumors are


Anonoynmous peddling of trashy rumors meant to disparage is really chickenshit. It is about the lowest thing a person can do. (This entry is NOT ANONYNOMOUS -- if you have a problem with it, please feel free to contact me.)

by Bill Peters November 17, 2006

708๐Ÿ‘ 509๐Ÿ‘Ž


the act of stuffing a live gerbil up one's rear-end for sexual pleasure. Usually used with homosexual males

He guy, do you want to go gerbilling tonight?

by Joel Trick January 9, 2003

315๐Ÿ‘ 270๐Ÿ‘Ž


stuffing a tube in one's anus and forcing a poor gerbil to die in a persons ass

dude i went gerbiling last nite and the gerbil is still in my ass

by ryan December 8, 2003

168๐Ÿ‘ 157๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sexual practice found in urban legends told by heterosexuals with a sick mind and an over-active imagination.

by Cimmerian Southpaw October 13, 2003

216๐Ÿ‘ 223๐Ÿ‘Ž


two word. Richard Gere

Richard Gere did what?!

by Los Pantalones Man May 6, 2004

144๐Ÿ‘ 183๐Ÿ‘Ž


The opposite of a cougar. A young girl seeking an older man.

I swung by to pick up my kid at middle school today, when this smokin' gerbil gave me her number!

by jmhunter April 12, 2009

489๐Ÿ‘ 140๐Ÿ‘Ž