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Get a pass

Internet slang; A common phrase used among males who distribute passwords to porn sites via forums, blogs, and/or conversation.

Pass-holder: Hey, man, get a pass.
Pass-recipient: Oh, thanks so much!
*+1 Karma*

by FashionNuggt May 27, 2009

4👍 22👎

Getting a pass

An excuse to not try and look pretty because of an illness or any other related situation

Ginny is getting a pass on not looking her normal self because she's been sick

by SirMoose13 March 12, 2018

2👍 2👎

get a late pass

etymology: derived from the same phrase used by teachers in lower schools whereupon a child has tardily entered his classroom ( n., late pass, v., latepass)
directed toward a person who has presented something (often a piece of information or writing, news article or website) as new and interesting, when it is, in fact, related to something old and already widely circulated

Although others were impressed when Katie showed off the all your base-themed thatched-reed basket she had made in her underwater basket weaving class, Reu could only reply, "Katie, get a late pass!"

by Elliott September 9, 2005

30👍 14👎

how to get the n word pass

to get the n word pass a person who is 50%+ black must write a 5000 word essay on the reason why he cant give it to you

white person: hey can i get the n word pass (how to get the n word pass)
black person: *writes essay why the white person cant get it/ get it*

by shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii42069nice January 31, 2021

1👍 5👎