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The Short for "give it" used frequently in the red hot chillie peppers hit give it away (see example)

"Gibbit away gibbit away gibbit away now Gibbit away gibbit away gibbit away now Gibbit away gibbit away gibbit away now...etc"

by Owen April 5, 2005

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Gibbit Gibbit

A term used when talking about sexual intercourse. It's most effective when paired with pelvic thrusting and pumping of the arms.

Dude 1: "Hey man did you gibbit gibbit that girl last night?" (while thrusting pelvis and pumping arms)

Dude 2: "Hell yeah that ass was juicy!"

by westfalia December 9, 2009

27๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


The part of your mouth where chatch (see urban dictionary definition) aka saliva builds up after a session. The area is based in the two creases of the lips. It is home to a white substance that occasionally occurs when too many drugs have been consumed and a lot of shit has been โ€˜chatted.โ€™

โ€˜Mate youโ€™ve got loads of chatch in your Gibbitsโ€™

โ€˜Did you Brianโ€™s Gibbits full of all that chatch?โ€™

โ€˜He had Gibbits full of salivaโ€™

by Daniellejoyx April 14, 2019

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flibaty gibbit

The most dangerous drug out there... More dangerous than all the drugs combined. Is only comparable to the high you get from life and watching deadly car crashes.

"Is that girl Emma high on meth? "" Even worse! She's on flibaty gibbit"

by Orange pop tart jello March 25, 2018