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gicky pie

When you ejaculate into a cup. Drink it. Say that’s pretty good. Start the oven. Turn off the oven. Turn on the burner slap a pan on that shit. Throw flour into the pan. Turn that shit on high. Cook 10minutes. Turn off. Throw some brown sugar on your girls ass. Slap it until all brown sugar melts into pan. Slide in the oven. Bake while baked. Pull it out. Ejaculate into a cup. 1/4 milk. 1 cup vodka. Stir until cum doesn’t stick to the pan. Freeze for 1 minute. Enjoy

I love gicky pie. But my girl won’t help me make it. Guess I gotta call my homeboys. We can make enough for the party tonight.

by Bonkedintheheadasachild December 15, 2024