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go number 3

A less common euphemism for masturbation.

I need to go number 3.

by Pikcube February 14, 2017

9👍 2👎

going number 3

jagging off, masturbating, choking the chicken, etc. etc.

c'mon, you know. masturbating? choking the chicken? going number 3?

by Adrian February 10, 2006

112👍 36👎

going number 3

That time-of-the-month.

Hey Gary, wanna play poker tonight?
Ugh. I wish. My wife is going number 3.

Beth, do you have any tampons? I'm going number 3.

Why you got laser eyes baby? Are you going number 3?

by willbdefined4u August 31, 2010

16👍 40👎