Definition of a phantom person:
An apparition or specter. an appearance or illusion without material substance, as a dream image, mirage, or optical illusion. a person or thing of merely illusory power, status, efficacy, etc.: the phantom of fear.
“Don’t go ghost, go phantom.”
Becoming/being a phantom: A person enduring emotional trauma decides to “go phantom”. Still being relevant and social, unlike “going ghost”, a phantom still holds his/her stigma about themselves. They don’t lose their status or communications with the outside world. A person loses themselves and decides to go phantom; their reality doesn’t feel real because of the emotional trauma they are enduring . They feel as if they are just in an allusion, their own reality feels distraught, and disturbed. But a phantom chooses to become a phantom to grow into what they plan to become. Their vision of themselves they choose to claim and compose of. Whatever a phantom’s dream or illusion is they will pursue it with consistent dedication and will. The phantom during this process find themselves again, and through time a phantom reconnects with their reality and doesn’t try to escape it, but endure it.
(A person going phantom is a person that feels broken or lost and chooses to find themselves again but not cut everyone off in the process. Humbly endures their struggle unlike ghosting.)
“Joseph didn’t go ghost, he went phantom because he wanted his friends there with him during his grind.”
“Don’t go ghost, go phantom.”