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going to the pack

Australian/New Zealand Slang.
To go to shit, to deteriorate, degenerate, cease to function, go to ruin, get really bad, to become really shabby

EXAMPLE 1 (Present noun)
After he left, the team started going to the pack.

EXAMPLE 2 (Present verb)
Since she turned 50, she's really let herself go to the pack.

EXAMPLE 3 (Past tense)
The company has gone to the pack since they stopped selling ice cream.

by Jupiter Girl August 28, 2009

13πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Go Pack Go!

When you’re yearning for another man to come pack his meat in your box. This phrase is heard a lot throughout Wisconsin, Down town San Fransisco, and Tampa.

Wisconsinite: Hey Aaron, Go Pack Go!
Aaron: Which end do you want it packed in?

by Numberonepackersfan June 14, 2019

15πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

go pack go

A term used by imbeciles that hate America, beat puppy's and eat horrible cheese.

"You catch that hate meeting lastnight?"

-of course, go pack go!

by TheGreatandPowerfulN8V September 18, 2016

23πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž