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good and fresh

The definition of good and fresh is the people listed below :
Brady shearer, Peyton shearer and , Richanne shearer the opposite of good and fresh is bad and moldy.

-Brady Shearer

Wow Peyton your looking really good and fresh today.

by Bradyshearer17 July 31, 2018

8👍 5👎

good and fresh

Good and freshdescribes the people listed:

Brady shearer, Peyton shearer, and Richanne shearer. The opposite of good and fresh is bad and moldy
-Brady shearer

Wow Peyton your lookin good and fresh today

by Bradyshearer17 July 31, 2018

4👍 6👎

Good fun and fresh

Good,fun and fresh is a word that means something is bomb ass

Mom~ "I just did the dirty with your brother"

Husband~ " what the fuck we habe been married for 9 years"

9 year old~ "well hell this is good fun and fresh does this mean that I can finally do the dirty with my sister"

Mom and husband~ "oh shIt our daughter is gay!"

by ShiningSkank July 5, 2019

3👍 3👎