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good good fortnite juice

A term for a euphoria inducing drug emitted by a tablet/xbox for fortnite kids between the ages of 2-13 years old. Without it they die and become serial killers to get their hands on another ipad, to drink that delicious, delectable, scrumptious, mouthwatering, good good fornite juice. They go through 4 stages of ascension, hence the 4 describing words. They get so DARN FREAKIN HIGH that they ascend past the heavens, past SPACE, PAST THE UNIVERSE, THROUGH ALL THE UNIVERSES AND MULTIVERSES. AND THEN THEY DIE. THEN THEY COME BACK TO LIFE..only to realize that they live a pathetic existence and that they dropped their tablet because they got so FREAKIN HIGH that their brain cells left the universe with their consciousness. Now all they can do to keep the will to stay alive is hunt down another FREAKIN TABLET / XBOX. Use this insult on only your worst enemies.

"yo, can i use your xbox? i really need some of that good good fortnite juice..."
"no man, that stuff is addictive.."

"*fucking kills him for the phone to get that good good fortnite juice*"

by theredjuice March 18, 2023