Google Play Store > App Store
Google Play Store has a much larger selection of apps and games than the iOS app store. It is easier to separate the good apps from the bad. It is also much easier to publish apps, hence the larger and more diverse selection.
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AN Internet merchant associated with Mega-CORP. Google, and the Play Store manages apps for consumers, sellers, and various and sundry associated creeps.. their motto is, "DON'T DO EVIL...UNLESS IT LOOKS HOT"... Author note: It is HIGHLY recommended you stay away from ass-pegging their TOS, as they can and will invalidate your Internet life with a snap of their mega-Corp fingers.
HUEY: "Hey Dewey, did you ever look for that Flappy Bird app on the Google Play Store?"
DEWEY: "I would've, Brother Huey, but I seem to have forgotten my password!1!"
LOUIE: "Try 'smelled_of_elderberries'"
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