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mushrooms e.i. shrooms

i was tripping cause i took some gooms.

by gwenstefaniissex July 1, 2005

224πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž


The pink flesh that surrounds your teeth.

Cripes, he has some slattern, nasty-ass gooms.

by Sam Gooms June 15, 2003

25πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž


"goom" is slang used for magic mushrooms.

"those gooms fucked with my head and i thought the aliens were coming."

"My parents were PISSED when i came home on gooms. They weren't mad that i was tripping on gooms, they were mad because i ate the dog."

by itssean July 8, 2009

98πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


the state of mind one is in after they have consumed a dosage of mushrooms, the feeling of a psychedelic experience

i ate a bag of mushrooms and i was goomin'

by neal April 4, 2003

61πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


1 - "Magic mushroom" (Slang term) - a mushroom that causes a psychedelic experience.

2 - Cheap alcoholic liquor.

3 - In Korean, "꿈" (goom) means dream. It refers to a situation or a state of mind where things may seem real, but they are different or altered from what is real in the waking world. This can include experiences, thoughts, or emotions that feel vivid and lifelike, yet they are shaped by our subconscious mind rather than actual events.

1 - That "goom" really altered my perception and how I feel about reality...
2 - There he is, a man drunk on goom, walking under the moonlight.
3 - When reality enters through the door, "goom" flee beyond the window.

by ego mapping August 22, 2023


A slang term for magic mushrooms
Other terms: goomies, goomers, goomed-out, gooming-balls.

1. "Bro......... I'm totally gooming-balls right now.....

2. "Me too man, these gooms are fuckin nuts.

by Joey........ October 28, 2013

20πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Shortened form of "good morning".

goom, group chat!

by Zanean August 10, 2016

19πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž