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Grammar Natzi

An extreme troll. Not to be confused with Grammar Nazis. They misspell their names to lure in victims, then unleash a wolfaboo tantrum of trolling. Grammar Natzis, unlike Grammar Nazis, should be avoided.

I got into an argument with a Grammar Natzi the other day. He kept trolling me.

by 88888888888888888 May 24, 2013

54👍 8👎

grammar natzi

Some one who fails at being a "grammar NAZI"


Galahad: "Bgone grammar natzi fascist! ur kinds not welcome in thes lands!"

Real Grammar Nazi: "Failure."

by tessadeadly June 30, 2009

97👍 35👎

grammar natzi

A person correcting others on spelling/grammar mistakes when it isn't the time or place for language lectures.

synonym: spelling natzi.

Civilian: "bwhahaha dey pwnorz u wif there carbine!"

SS: "dude, you don't say 'there', it's their! n00b!"

Joe: "Bgone grammar natzi fascist! ur kinds not welcome in thes lands!"

by Galahad March 19, 2008

25👍 55👎