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Our friend Granie is a bondage obssessed gimp. He longs for a gimpsuit and enjoys talking about playing with himself and sexmonkies. His ginger mullet is growing out of control and will probably soon take over the world.

Granie, ''Get me that sexmonkey in a gimpsuit!''
to the guy out of the Darkness,
''give ya fiver for that cool suit!!''

by Zoe November 26, 2003

9👍 8👎


A significantly wealthy or rich person or group of people.

WOW! Malta is so grani!

Singapore is the least grani country in the world.

by separn April 14, 2022

24👍 2👎


grani are the dumbest people.

you’re so dumb,but grani is still dumber.

by tiniekoo December 15, 2019

4👍 2👎

sans granie

Sans granie

Person 1:Sans granie
Person 2:Sans granie

by Sans granie August 16, 2021

your grany trany

An even worse insult than your mom gay and your dad lesbian combined.
If it is used a planet will die

Frank: your mom gay and your dad lesbian

Carl: don't make me do it

Frank: do it pussy

Carl: your grany trany

Frank: "dies"

The planet. X29-738. Explodes

by Likliklik420OO7 March 16, 2018

16👍 5👎

Dzień Sans Granie

Dzień Sans Granie (DSG) odbywa się 20 czerwca. Dzień Sans Granie to dzień w którym każdy musi wielbić potężną istotę Sans Granie

"jutro Dzień Sans Granie, jesteś gotowy?"
"oczywiście że tak, wielbię sans granie"

by Ki-JoPL. December 23, 2022

Dzień Sans Granie

Dzień Sans Granie (DSG) to dzień w którym każdy musi wielbić potężną istotę Sans Granie

"jutro Dzień Sans Granie, jesteś gotowy?"
"oczywiście że tak, wielbię sans granie"

by Ki-JoPL. December 23, 2022