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Pronounced “grohn”. Means “word” or “I feel that”; typically used between cool people

Bob: “Dude, I can’t wait for this weekend, it’s gonna be a good time.”
Billy: “Yeah gran, man.”

by granlife027 April 13, 2018

11👍 3👎


A Gran is an old lady. Gran's often play online games and are extremely good at them!

omg gran! you just whiped out their entire team

by Gran March 28, 2005

78👍 42👎


This really hot, funny and sweet guy that Hilai has a crush on.

"Gran: Hey Hilai, do you get butterflies when you talk to me?
Hilai: ummm, yyyeeaaaaa
Gran: Oh ok.... well.....i really need to shave!
Hilai: Wtf?!"

by Hilai December 25, 2007

57👍 50👎

gran gran

Gran gran is some one one who is a caring person with a big heart who show tough love but still care who is very funny at any moment in l life and she is also a Christian who pray during any bad time and good and pray before she rest and eat

Gran gran is a loving person

by Bad girl looking January 15, 2016

21👍 5👎

gran gran

Gran gran is some one one who is a caring person with a big heart who show tough love but still care who is very funny at any moment in l life and she is also a Christian who pray during any bad time and good and pray before she rest and eat

Gran gran is a loving person

by Bad girl looking January 15, 2016

8👍 6👎


1. Underwear usually worn by my grandma
2. Underwear that contains an old saggy ass
3. Usually sported by Eliza
4. Underwear your mother buys you when she thinks you are still a good gurl

I was unbuttoning her jeans, when all of a sudden her grans were exposed, I ran like the wind!

by Kelexa January 18, 2008

9👍 6👎


To have your projected pushed down the priority list to the point everyone has forgotten about it

Hey have you an update on my project?

No it was granned

by Cricketer June 27, 2019

3👍 1👎