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Greasy Bastard

removing your penis from your partner's mouth while receiving oral sex and lodging it in her ear to give the "wet willy" effect

I gave my girl a greasy bastard last night
omg did you just give me a greasy bastard?
prepare for a greasy bastard you slut

by GingGang August 22, 2018

Greasy bastard

A greasy bastard is one who lives with you but avoids you, is greasy as fuck and enjoys to suck the dick of his "cool" friends

A$aptvrd- what greasy bastard left this giant pizza box in the fridge with only one slice

Baraty- I think it was that greasy batard joe

Ell Dog Malone- yea the greasy bastard is at Benedictine chuggin' Schlong and just left it in the fridge

by P1mpDaddyJick March 1, 2017

6👍 1👎

greasy bastard

An Annoying, Argumentative, Non Hygienic, Non Social, Self Centered Bastard.

Jack: You Need To Shut Up
Andrew: Go Play Pokemon You Greasy Bastard

by BigFatBootyBoy June 13, 2014

7👍 4👎

Greasy Italian Bastard

A smooth talking italian man who constantly lies through his teeth. Constantly lies about players injuries, roster spots, and the development of players.

John Calipari (UK’s mens basketball Coach) is a greasy Italian bastard.

by J.C.J January 26, 2022