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To eject saliva from the mouth. To spit.

I start grebbing at passers by.

by Vinyl Black March 15, 2007

18๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Grebs claim to be the individuals of society, and although they all dress fairly similarly, they are the minority, so I suppose they're right. Most grebs listen to rock or punk music. The greb crowd tends to have a layered structure, with the upper echelons consisting of those that have been grebs the longest: they have attained the enviable status of "old school". Those that have just arrived on the greb scene are known as "newbies", and tend to be viewed with some contempt by the old school crowd. Newbies have to go through a period of piss-taking before they are accepted as proper members of the greb community; this is a kind of hazing ritual and gives the new greb a chance to see what they will have to endure from chavs. After enough time has passed, these newbies become old school, with a wave of newbies stepping in to fill their place. Grebs tend to be more accepting than other groups of people, such as chavs, and generally nicer. They also don't use words such as "bare" or mug people, which is always a good thing.

Those guys in black with skateboards that hang around not doing a lot and being friendly but unproductive.

by Korrineine February 5, 2004

218๐Ÿ‘ 85๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word quite often used by chavs to describe anyone with hair more than half a centimetre long. Used by ignorant morons who make it a generic term for someone who likes rock music, when most of the time real 'grebs' don't care how they're classed.

Moron 1: Watch wer ur goin init.
Moron 2: Stupid greb wiv iz long 'air innit.

by Selryam March 30, 2006

61๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


Although Grebs dress very similar, they are individual. They each wear clothes that show their inner feelings and musical interests. For example, a Rammstein fan would probably wear a Rammstein hoodie, and some grebs wear more chains/spikes/etc than others, making each one unique, compared with townies who wear whatever is in Fashion. Grebs listen to music that involves SOME shouting, if the song is emotional, but most of the time the music consists of powerful singing by people whose voices have actually broken! (Unlike Justin Timberlake) Grebs look intimidating to some people, but are in actual fact the easiest sort of people to get oon with, they're just very laid back - unless you're dumb enough to provoke them! And all these previous things about Grebs not washing, etc, none of it is true - I should know - I'm a Greb and I wash everyday!

Townie: "Ha ha ha! You're such a Greb!"

Greb: "And!? You're point is!?"

by Lilo February 20, 2004

307๐Ÿ‘ 169๐Ÿ‘Ž


Greb - Many people seem to think that grebs are depressed and want to kill them selves and only wear black ect.. But they are wrong, grebs just like to have fun, it means nothing to them if people make fun of them because they are proud to be different.

Walk around a few minutes and see how many people swear at you for dressing the way you want to!
Some people say that grebs hate townies (Some do, some don't, all i hate is chavs!)

by Christopher Smith September 6, 2005

69๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who believes themself to be indivdual. They are sick and tired of life and want to be different. A greb listens to music that takes talent to create and isnt just made by some twat on a PC. Grebs wear black and baggy clothes, some people say they dont always wear black but some people that wear all those bright colours arent grebs even though they think they are. Grebs usually have long hair to be different. Fashion doesnt apply to grebs because it is a pointless thing. Grebs always seem to be the more intelligent of people. Grebs are the smart people who do well at school usually, this is why they like the talented music, and can recognise talent, unlike the others who just listen to whatever other people like or anything that has good singing. Grebs usually dont bother with vocals because they are usually talentless and try to listen withing the music to the bass or other talented drum or guitar pieces. People who usually take the piss out of grebs are the stupid ones, the ones who are idiots and will never have good jobs.

I hope one day the entire of the Earth shall gain an IQ past room temperature and then realise which music is good. Then the whole world shall be grebs, even though part of the culture is to be original. We'll see....

by Jamie January 6, 2004

161๐Ÿ‘ 92๐Ÿ‘Ž


A Greb is the alternative, in the UK, to a Goth, only slightly more active in the sense that they like the new age punk and metal music and dress more modern instead of pale vampires. Grebs are mostly recognised for peircings, long hair, hoodies and black clothing with spikes and chanins.

1. Hey man, you're such a greb.

2. Dude, did you see Tom and that grebby dude over there? ewww!

by Samu Kaihaku May 4, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž