When you suddenly grab someone or something in a quick manner.
"Did you see how that guy just greebed his girlfriend's hand?"
βQuite Possibly, the Worldβs Greatest Snack Foodβ
Hey dude did you see that commercial for Greebes the other day? A steak flavored chip sounds delicious!
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a greeb is a try hard emo usually 14-17 who act like they enjoy emo music such as mcr
that girl anya is such a greeb , she is going to an mcr concert
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A person who tries too hard to be someone that they don't want to be. An example may be 'Camilla'. They try to be so 'emo' and 'scene' by dying all thier old clothes black and overshopping at H&M.
Camilla in her new rave clothes, she looks like such a greeb
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someone who uses emo as an excuse for ugliness.
greebs amount to half the people on myspace who hold their camera at such an angle that you can only see half their face when taking photos
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Typically a try hard pre-teen. It is hard to find a greeb over the age of about 17, and under 10 (although you do find certain odditys) Generally they wear a HIM/MCR/Hello Kitty/Panic! At the Disco top, with destroyed baggy jeans/exceedingly tight bright-assed skinny jeans. Braclets and accessories a must. Sometimes they wear glasses to look cool (not because they are blind) and hang around drinking and doing drugs/smoking, anything to try and look cool.
Basically a rip off of a scenekid/metal head. Infamous for having "the angles" on MySpace/Bebo, where you take photos from above yourself, to make yourself more flattering/less of a fat shit. Usually has "x"s at the back and front of their msn name. Tries to get dates and girlfriends via MySpace, usually to a funny result. Basically all the worst bits of puberty rolled into one stereotypical mess.
Can be found any saturday on College Green, in Bristol, UK.
"Hey man, i love your bright neon studded belt, it makes you look so manly and apsolutely nothing like a greeb!"
"Thnx dude, ur so kewl I jst luv bein acceptd by those xScenex kidz overe dere, do u fink if I try to be lik dem they'll notic me?"
not a blind chance you stupid kiddy.
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A short gremlin like creature who dresses with a range of styles, however all centre around a greebo theme. This creature is quiet yet cocky and has a tiny penis.
Feeds predominantly on rustlers and sausages, and has only one natural enemy (see McMuffin ). Most commonly found in smokers stinging people for fags, or sucking smooth man penis in 'Time Out'.
Sightings are few and far between for this mysterious creature and we do not know much about it, however, we can be sure of one thing: This is indubitably one slippery Bastard, with a tiny, tiny penis.
Greebs stop licking that window.
Oh Greebs.
Classic Greebs!
How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if Greebs stopped bein such a pikey by robbing all my wood?
Greebs... Can't touch this.
Greebs it was just a joke chill... Greebs what are you doing? Greebs.. GREEBS!!! Ahhahaahhahahhaaa *muffled cries then silence*
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