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Green Frog

A racist and or sexist term referencing a chinese person or a woman who practices sexual promiscuity and is in poor mental health. Origionally used by british sailors in the late 1690's in reference to people using opiates.

Hey you see that chinese girl over there! She is such a Green Frog!!!

by Admiral Sqee November 27, 2007

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green frog

when equal amounts of these 3 alcopops are combined into the 1 glass.

1. a blue vodka drink (red square blue/blue wkd etc)
2. a cloudy white vodka drink with lemon (e.g smirnoff ice)
3. orange bacardi breezer

the combination of the blue, cloudy white + orange makes a cloudy green color

also the mix of flavours along with the different alcohols combine to make a really sweet drink which will also happen to get u drunk very fast.

average joe downed 2 pints of green frog and spewed them all back up in the taxi home.

by Gogseh June 25, 2007

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green frog

often people that look like green frogs are not pleasant people to be around. I'm not a fan

fuck that chick looks like a green frog
oath shes wearing green too

hahaha what a puff

by greenfrog22113344 March 22, 2022

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Green frog

It is a green frog

I see a green frog

by Elarilju January 13, 2018

Hopkin Green Frog

An autistic boy's stuffed green frog by the name of 'Hopkins' (thats the name McDonalds gave it when they included stuffed toys with Kids Meal advertising Animal Alley) that supposedly run away.
Rumor has it he just lost the frog. Anyway, soon after he was posting drawn signs that look like a kid drew it. An internet site , lostfrog.org, is a tribute to this autistic 16 year old's frog. Its kinda dumb though.

Him name is Hopkin Green Frog. If I Looking for frog, I'd find my frog. Who took my frog? Who Found my frog? - You could tell right off he sounded autisitic! *Love Terry*

by Frogger May 2, 2005

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pepe the big green frog

A green fucking frog that loves to cry and shit

pepe: *cries*

bob: fucking pepe the big green frog at it again.

by A FUCKING MIDGET November 9, 2020

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Green Tree Frog

The act of throwing up onto your sexual partner (usually female), causing them to hop off of your tree like penis as if they were a frog

Did you hear, that girl got Green Tree Frogged the other night, the spew still isn't out of her hair

by GTF Lover August 23, 2017