Source Code

Green Gas

It's a code name for weed. However, it's also the same name for airsoft guns.

Person 1: Hey do you have any CO2?

Person 2: No bro, I've got that Green Gas for fun stuff.

by TheAnonymousFish December 14, 2017

The Green Gas Goblin

The green gas goblin, aka Unvoicedzoo is a deformed fatass that sneaks into peoples attics and farts green gas. He tries to get pay back from everyone that said to him he farts green gas and how he doesn’t shower. Watch out for him, his farts can kill anyone in a second. The only way for him to disappear is if you say, thats not funny

Yo the green gas goblin is back!
What you mean- A

by messithegoatfr June 23, 2023

2👍 1👎

Green gas

Another word for straight bong smoke, usually very strong and effective

“Dude, I completely greened out last night”.
“Did you have some intense green gas”?
“Idfk i can’t remember anything”

by Drillers and dealers October 6, 2023