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noun: Wal-Mart "greeter"

"No, I don't want to go to Wal-Mart, Phillip. Those greetards always try to put a sticker on my bottled water, so they can feel safer that I didn't shoplift it. Sometimes the greetards even check my receipt when I'm leaving. I don't like being treated like a criminal. Let's go to K-Mart or Target instead."

by shankus December 1, 2004

11👍 5👎


NOUN: Walmart Greeter

An employee hired by Walmart for the sake of being able to say that they will hire retards. Just another reason to not go to Walmart.

Bill: Dude, I don't want to go to Walmart, I'm afraid I'll step in the greetards shit.

Jim: Yeah, they should at least get someone to clean up after him.

by spacecoyote17 August 3, 2006

6👍 9👎