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Guard Dog Relationship

It has nothing to do with Dogging, the sex act. It is a form of toxic relationship where one person in the relationship expects the other to fight all their battles for them, and basically be their guard dog. Partners should stick up for each other, but this is way overboard. The individual expects their "guard dog" to jump into the middle of every argument, fight and grievance they have, because they are completely unable to fight their own battles. They want you to always be their go-between essentially. Should the "guard dog" refuse, they will be guilt-tripped to all hell about how they don't really love them. They will probably also use the "After ALL I do for you... could you not just do that ONE thing for me?" line.

And even if the guard dog DOES try their best to get into the middle of a fight that has NOTHING to do with them, and try to resolve it, it will never be enough. The guard dog will probably hear "is that all? You didn't help me at ALL! You really let me down!"

If someone makes you their guard dog on a regular basis, break up with them immediately.

Robert: (Sarcastically) Amy your hair is ugly.
Amy: BEN!!! Are you just going to let Robert sit there and say my hair is ugly? SAY SOMETHING TO ROBERT!!!
Ben: He was just joking, man. He clearly said it in a jokey way.
Amy: You NEVER stick up for me, I guess you don't love me enough. After I got you that lovely ring, too!
Ben: Sigh... Robert, it's not nice to tell people their hair is ugly, even as a joke.
Amy: IS THAT ALL?! YOU SAID IT TO HIM SO SOFTLY!! HE LITERALLY INSULTED MY HAIR THAT I SPENT AN HOUR ON AND I'M REALLY SELF-CONSCIOUS ABOUT!! Do you view me as just not worth the effort or something?! Do I not deserve a bit of sticking up for?!
Ben: Robert, don't make offensive jokes about my girlfriend's hair, you twat. It's not funny, she's really self-conscious about it and I won't hang out with you if you insult my girlfriend that way.
Amy: You didn't even bring up the time 2 months ago when he said my clothes didn't match!!!
Robert: Look Ben, we used to be best friends, but now all you've done since you got with Amy is be her guard dog. Enjoy your guard dog relationship, I want no part of it. Bye.

by Lefty Power 123 September 28, 2020

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