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gut bomb

A usually very tasty super-sized fast food or greasy spoon diner food item that, when ingested, immediately explodes in your gut, decimating your stomach lining. The item usually has a very short (but painful) residence time in your digestive tract before performing a rapid exit to the outside world, and being released back into the wild (e.g., the toilet).

Phil: I'm going to Estelle's for one of those triple decker gut bombs with peanut butter and bacon toppings.
Wayne: Three hamburger patties? Donno if my stomach can handle that at my age? For chrissakes, I'm lucky if I can down a single.
Phil: But you have to go for it, it's the ultimate gut bomb, and you only live once!

by Whitey803 October 28, 2012

51👍 3👎

gut bomb

A coney dog or chili dog, LOADED! Occasionally misused to also describe one of them bite sized late-night "greezy spoon" hamburgers with grilled onions, which technically is known as a "slider."

After the bar closes let's stop on the way home and get a six-pack of gut bombs.

by gumby April 17, 2003

18👍 33👎

gut bomb

A really bad smelling fart that lingers

Someone on this train keeps dropping gut bombs & its making me want to chunder

by okdokeden February 19, 2015

3👍 12👎

Atomic gut bomb

The result of drinking too many beers

Oh, man, I have to go home because I feel a major atomic gut bomb coming on.

by ABDL2023 August 1, 2023