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Hamburger Hill

Slang for Dong Ap Bia Mountain. Bloody battle durring the Vietnam War fought in May of 1969 between America's 101st Army Airborne, with help from the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN, South Vietnam) against the North Vietnamese Army (NVA). After some 10 days of fighting, the US eventually took over the hill, NVA finally realizing they weren't going to successfully defend the hill and staying to fight would be foolish, so they retreated.

The hill itself however turned out to have no tactical advantage in the war and was criticized by many in the states to have been a useless battle where many were lost. 56 Americans were killed, 420 wounded. Some 597 Vietnamese were killed.

"No matter how tough the job is, the American soldier gets the job done. He might hate the hell out of it, but he never quits. In Hamburger Hill, they might have grumbled, but my God they were there when the chips were down. They eventually went up that hill and took it!"

-Colonel Joseph B. Conmy, Jr., Commander of 3rd Brigade, 101st Airborne Division

My vibrance will span to Negril
With the violence of Hamburger Hill

-Vinnie Paz of Jedi Mind Tricks

by Verbal Hologram December 3, 2004

56👍 7👎

hamburger hill

a huge belly of a fat person when seen as he/she is in a horizontal position - filled with hamburgers and other fast food junk, the belly looks like a hill;

Jeremy: Look at this fatso there, lying under the tree! The guy must have eaten like tons of junk food.
Jim: Yeah, he looks like a hamburger hill from this perspective.
Jeremy: It's a one Goddamn hamburger hill!

by KurtSteinerPL August 9, 2011

10👍 3👎

hamburger hill

Big-assed battle in the Ashau valley between NVA elements holding a hill and the 101st Airborne Division assisted by ARVN troops. The battle ended with U.S. control of the hill top, causing heavy casualties on both sides. The hill was 937 meters tall.

Gimme beer and an M-16, 'cause the Screamin' Eagles are flying to Hamburger Hill.

by Ali. S February 21, 2007

10👍 6👎

Hunter’s Hill Hamburger

Local to Hunters Hill Road in Amherst, MA. While on Hunters Hill Road, defecate onto parchment paper and press into a patty shape. Put your patty into the refrigerator and perform an extended Saturday. An extended Saturday consists of staying up all night from Saturday into Sunday. After performing the extended Saturday and before going to sleep on Sunday, pull your patty out of the fridge, air fry to enjoyment, place between buns and enjoy your delicious Hunters Hill Hamburger.

Want to pull an extended Saturday and eat a Hunter’s Hill Hamburger for breakfast?

by Urbanjanner April 25, 2024