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hammer drill

A sex move involving intense thrusting.

Stacy said she got a hammer drill last night.

by Drchoco September 6, 2017

cordless hammer drill

a power tool that, according to amazingphil and daniel howell, makes you a man

Dan: Is it fun being a man now?
Phil: Yeah, especially now that I've got my cordless hammer drill
Dan: So manly

by cory19 December 16, 2020

Nuremburg Hammer Drill

The subtle art of ramming your erect penis into a woman's belly button, whilst simultaneously vomiting on her forehead and slapping her nipples with a spatula. So called due to its short lived popularity in the city which give it it's name, where many couples for some strange reason found it sexy.

"My god, that girl let me give her a Nuremburg Hammer Drill last night; I think she must have mental problems"

by MasterofFlange February 16, 2009

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