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A hanger-on is a person often without any friends who follows around popular groups in for example school or at parties/clubs etc. trying to become part of that group.

You're in a group of 6 people, only 5 of them are your friends the other person just follows the group all the time, he's in that case the hanger-on.

by ViagraAddict February 12, 2012

59๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who gets themselves involved with a high-profile individual, usually for the attention from the media.

Often, a hanger-on has little to no talent in a particular area of media; usually only cares about the publicity that comes with being a celebrity. All of this explains why they do what they do. These people are often accused of being "attention whores" or "gold-diggers" and other derogatory terms like the the ones named.

Otherwise known as being "famous for being famous".

Before Kim Kardashian became famous, she was great friends with heiress Paris Hilton. Was she a hanger-on?

by whats_yo_name_pussycat March 4, 2018

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


A lethal combination of hunger and anger, the result of waiting so long to eat that your blood sugar drops to dangerously low levels, impairing both your mood and your judgment. Particularly manifests itself when you are with a significant other and trying to make decisions about where to eat now that you're both starving.

Don't take your hanger out on me! How should I know where we can find food at 3 am in downtown El Dorado? I told you we should have eaten before we left.

by Leonore April 24, 2008

187๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž


Large, pendulous breasts that sag noticeably.

Sally is voluptous and has some nice-looking hangers on her chest.

Your grandmother has big, floppy hangers. She must obtain a more supportive brassiere.

by Anonymous February 15, 2004

169๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž


to deal off the bottom off the deck for another player in a card game. most commonly poker. A simple and descrete way to cheat. to pull a hanger you must suffle untill you find a card that is high in value and leave it on the bottom of the deck and keep shuffling untill there is two in a row... for example two aces... in the process of dealing you deal normally with your thumb off the top of the deck to all players except your partner in the hoax when arriving on your partners turn to recieve a card you use your index and middle fingers to deal the card off the bottom. this is extremly easy to get away with if executed to prefection....

as seen in the movie rounders...

last night at that cash game i caught two motherfuckers pulling hangers for eachother. we had to whoop their asses

by shock103 May 2, 2008

70๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


Tittys that are so big and/or lacking the muscletone to not sag, thereby letting the nipples point to magnetic south.

Becky has some nice boobs, but they are hangers.

by Norkaguy January 24, 2009

60๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


Mommy Dearest's weapon of choice.


Joan Crawford:
No... wire... hangers. What's wire hangers doing in this closet when I told you: no wire hangers EVER? I work and work 'till I'm half-dead, and I hear people saying, "She's getting old." And what do I get? A daughter... who cares as much about the beautiful dresses I give her... as she cares about me. What's wire hangers doing in this closet? Answer me. I buy you beautiful dresses, and you treat them like they were some dishrag. You do. Three hundred dollar dress on a wire hanger. We'll see how many you've got if they're hidden somewhere. We'll see... we'll see. Get out of that bed. All of this is coming out. Out. Out. Out. Out. Out. Out. You've got any more? We're gonna see how many wire hangers you've got in your closet. Wire hangers, why? Why? Christina, get out of that bed. Get out of that bed. You live in the most beautiful house in Brentwood and you don't care if your clothes are stretched out from wire hangers. And your room looks like some two-dollar-a-week furnished room in some two-bit back street town in Okalahoma. Get up. Get up. Clean up this mess.

by Kib$ March 11, 2009

61๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž