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Happy Person

1. Someone who lives in a rural area and eats dirt and lavender.
2. A gay person

Tom: I met a Happy Person yesterday and they were very nice and I think I might want to be one.
Larry: Good for you do what you want

Note this works for both Definitions

by A possum possum December 31, 2021

7👍 1👎

Happy [birthday person's name] birth

Said to the birthday day person. It signifies that this day was special for your birth and we (you) hope you (they) have a great one.

Happy birthday person's name birth:
Erick: Happy Juan birth
Juan: ;O

by Gigasit November 19, 2021

happy person

Greatest person to exist-
I like em :)/p

happy person is great

by Løcal Loñely Pyrømxn!ãc December 12, 2021

happy personality but sad soul

Socially awesome but awkwardly finding yourself non existing when you're alone

I have a happy personality but sad soul dont ask for my opinion.

by Gzus1011 December 31, 2022