Source Code

Hard Hard Lemon Hard

Direct contrary from Eazy Peasy Lemon Squeezy.

Dang, that test was supposed to be easy peasy lemon squeezy but it was hard hard lemon hard.

by Jaymoney Louie September 11, 2020

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Hard Hard Lemon Hard

An old saying from Cambridge Harvard, where the professor jokingly says: β€œhard hard lemon hard” for a certain test.
This phrase eventually made its way throughout Harvard and is originally dated back to the research university itself.

β€œWow, this test was quite difficult”
For sure, it was Hard Hard Lemon Hard.

by Mike Xin March 18, 2019

try hard hard core

a try hard hardcore is some one who thinks he is 'hardcore' but really isnt. They often have no or few freinds and listen to 'cool' music in their standards. They also lye alot about geting laid and smoking drugs but their too wussy to do so

that guy is a try hard-hardcore, hes never done anything like that in his life

by King ReA April 14, 2005

5πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Fuck hard / fucks hard

When someone / something is just too good or great enough that it "fucks hard"


That beer fucks hard

I fucked hard at that beer pong

Fuck hard / fucks hard

by Sydneypennyhoe October 6, 2020

15πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Work Hard Play Hard

A person who’s incredibly dedicated to their career and often has more then one job yet never turns down a good time. Their schedule is so crammed with work and social events that they have to pull out a 20lb planner to pencil you in.

Work hard play hard. Alishia. On top of her game, educated, has a full-time career, dedicated mother, plans every detail of her life. She’s so busy that when you text her she will forget to text you back but will call you in a rush on speaker phone on her way to next event or as she’s working on something. (There will always be another person she’s speaking to at the same time) However, when it’s time to go out she will pregame in the car with fireball shots, drop it like it’s hot when her song comes on, and she’s a social butterfly loved by everyone she meets.

by JMarron October 2, 2021

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Die Hard Try hard

A wannabe or try hard that makes it so important to get a look or style that it is all they think about, and they try so hard to fit what they want to be that you can blates tell they are trying.

1. You could tell she was a try hard when she got coontails like kiki kannibal, but when she also copied dakota's leopald pattern there was nothing left to call her but a die hard try hard.

Ash: I'm hardcore
Me: You're hardcore alright.. try-hardcore

by ieatemosforbreakfast July 22, 2008

16πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Work hard, play hard

working hard at one's job whether it's hustling or an actual job so you can have fun and party without any worries

hustle work hard, play hard party fun

by Lalaaa July 6, 2013

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