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hate eating

The act of eating somethng, usually fast food, out of anger and agression. Usually done to numb the rage.

I just saw my ex wife with a beautiful, olive skinned man. So, I am hate eating Pollard's friend chicken in my car alone.

by Paulo Burgess March 20, 2016

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Hate eat

To eat an item of food in a feverish manor, with total disregard to your own body. Hate eating usually ocours when said food item is held directly in the hands, such as a double bacon cheese burger, or an ear of hot buttery corn on the cob. One has finished hate eating when the item of food is either completely gone, or there is nothing edible left.

I cant wait to hate eat this pulled pork sandwich

by Wangus McCloud April 17, 2009

8👍 7👎

Hate Eat

the act of picking out the least favourite chocolate, candy or any assorted type of food and eat it first just to get it out of the way.

"I don't necessarily *hate* Bounty chocolates.. I just...Hate Eat them so I can move on and start eating the rest of the celebrations tub"

by raslie April 2, 2021