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having a brown

Having a poo, squeezing one out.

We all enjoy it.

I'm having a brown, can I call you back?

by FreyOlly January 17, 2007

22👍 8👎

Dude I have been Murray Browned

Not delivering on a promise or offering something you have no intent of delivering on.

Brown: Thank you for the drinks and smokes. What can I get you? I am going up to the bar will get you what every you like.

Me: Its been 20 minutes I wonder if he is coming back, I am thirsty, confirmed he is gone.

Me: Dude I have been Murray Browned

by SoheilP March 1, 2013

boys who have brown hair

theyre cute and cool but sometimes assholes

girl: did you hear about the new student
boy who has black hair: yeah i heard he has brown hair
girl: omg i heard boys who have brown hair are hot and cute i wanna be his gf
2 days later
girl: he broke up with me for not searching for the tv remote

by IsraelDoesntExist June 12, 2021

We have brown

We have brown means basically two people have something brown lol

1: Omg look we have brown
2: what the?

1: we have brown hair look

2: uhh ok?

by Juicylemonhead September 29, 2020

we have brown

We have brown is referring to having brown something for example hair, eyes , or anything else

Person 1: Omg we have brown

Person 2: what?

Person 1: look we both have brown hair

Person 2: uhh ok?

by Juicylemonhead September 29, 2020