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Head to toe

a person who you would lick from the head to the toe. up and down

Damn that girl is valid den a mug she is head to toe

by YasielPuigMittSimney May 10, 2023

7👍 3👎

head to toe sex

when the boy lies flat, the girl gives him head, and he fucks her with his feet.

dude, my girlfriend and i had head to toe sex last night, it was hot!

by hay-very January 1, 2008

13👍 44👎

Head to toe straight greased dipped in buttah

you got some fly ass clothes i wanna holla at.

oh dayum son you be head to toe straight greased dipped in that buttah.

by Ira and Ben August 27, 2003

19👍 11👎