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1. n. The pre-meditated, organized robbery of a bank, shop, warehouse or other location

2. v. To steal any item, to take something which does not belong to you.

1. Pauly and Slim Jim planned the bank heist weeks in advance.

2. Someone heisted my car radio and all my c-d's last time I parked on that street.

by the pope June 9, 2004

265πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


A verb used to denote that one had sexual relations with another but leaves out the details. Sexy, but leaves out intimate details leaving listeners wanting more. Mysterious sexual adventures. Comes from German.

"Dude, i totally heisted that awesome hot girl last night. Did you get any?"

by Stevie Castillo August 24, 2007

37πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž


Pronunciation: \hΔ«st\
Function: Verb

To successfully execute a highly strategic, meticulously planned mission, led by a diverse, specialized tiger team of experts in efforts to gain, or regain something of tremendous value.

Example Sentences:

The rapidly growing Washington, DC-based, creative fast company helped clients heist the best of their brands, marketing efforts, events and talent, then transformed them into something priceless.

by SHI Live April 26, 2014

38πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Pronunciation: \hΔ«st\
Function: Verb

To successfully execute a highly strategic, meticulously planned, mission led by a diverse, specialized tiger team of experts in efforts to gain, or regain something of tremendous value.

Example Sentences:

The rapidly growing Washington, DC-based fast company helped clients heist the best of their brands, marketing efforts, events and talent, and transform them into something priceless.

by SHI Live April 26, 2014

15πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


The act of committing a heist

"You guys ready for the heist?"
"Yeah man, we be heisting tonight!"

by Wonder-Gaye November 25, 2019


Heisting - v. the act of working well



omg that sh!t is heisting like wh0a (crappycrappy)

by ROITA October 22, 2004

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Heisting Frenzy

When you shoplift items ten times in a row from your local White Hen without getting caught.

Comes from the Halo term "Killing Frenzy"

Guy walks out with Twix bar
*Manly voice* "Heisting Frenzy"
Guy: "Damn I'm good"

by Mcheist March 10, 2009