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When a woman suggests an idea that is ignored, but then a guy says the same thing and everyone loves it.

My boss ignored my idea until my colleague hepeated it.

by Zondrah89 September 23, 2017

81👍 104👎


v. hepeat (present tense)
To hepeat is to be a male-identifying person (AMAB, trans male, etc.) repeating an otherwise-identifying person’s idea that was ignored previously, but now loved by everyone because he said it.
plural v.: hepeats

present participle: hepeating
past participle: hepeated
future participle: going to hepeat
perfect participle: having hepeated

“ My friends coined a word: hepeated. For when a woman suggests an idea and it's ignored, but then a guy says same thing and everyone loves it”
by Twitter user: @NoisyAstronomer

Present tense: “Hepeat this; an electric toothbrush with biodegradable replacement heads.”
Pluralised present tense: “He hepeats things all the time. Watch this.”
Present participle: “He was hepeating me!”
Past participle: “He hepeated me again today at work.”
Future participle: “I can’t believe that he stole my idea. I want a meeting without him; he’s just going to hepeat me again.”

by BerylliumLithium December 8, 2019

7👍 5👎


n. hepeater
a male-identifying person (AMAB, trans male, etc.) who hepeats or has previously hepeated an otherwise-identifying person
plural n.: hepeaters

Noun: “Ugh. He’s such a hepeater.”
Pluralised noun: “Watch out, they’re all hepeaters. Keep your ideas to yourself until they’re gone.”

by BerylliumLithium December 8, 2019

2👍 1👎


The act of a man restating (either exactly or with some modification) the ideas of a woman soon after she has expressed them. Typically, the man will make these statements as though he were their original source.

Her boss was just hepeating her plan to save the company money.

by stupa January 9, 2015

13👍 46👎


When a man successfully suggests an idea after a woman failed.

My presentation of my idea failed, but my colleague hepeated it and convinced my Boss.

by paddiz September 26, 2017


n. hepeater
a male-identifying person (AMAB, trans male, etc.) who hepeats or has previously hepeated an otherwise-identifying person
plural n.: hepeaters

Ugh. He’s such a hepeater.”

Pluralised noun:
Watch out, they’re all hepeaters. Keep your ideas to yourself until they’re gone.”

by BerylliumLithium December 8, 2019


Another attempt by feminist to blame men for everything, after mansplaining, they try to make a coincidence or something else into a gendered issue.
Feminists hates men.

Female: I like bananas
Male: I also like bananas
Female: Don't you dare hepeating

by Ok Lawfulness May 18, 2022