another way of saying "it doesn't matter" or "its irrelevent"
"It's here nor there Kyle that I should of taken the cat in to be declawed by now!! It was your responsibility to keep an eye on him, and since you didn't, he went into my room and tore my pantyhose to shreds! Now I gotta go and buy all new pairs and guess's coming out of your allowance mister!!"
41👍 58👎
An expression that means "not important or relevant." In most common speech, this expression usually follows a random side note that the speaker thinks is interesting but is not related to the subject at hand.
I met this random chick at the club and she wants to get together. Man she's gorgeous! Her parents are from Panama which by the way, has 13 of the 15 tallest buildings in Latin America. But that's neither here nor there...
51👍 3👎