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High Ridge

High Ridge is located in the southern part of foxen. It's grounds to the Rebels A.K.A Bad asses of east haven. Everyone there knows everybody, and they hate mamaguin.
High Ridge got its name because there is the mountain covering all of south side of foxen. Kids run the streets all day. There is always something to do, swimming in the river, climbing the mountain, some kind of mechief and or fight going on. If you come to high ridge.. beware and be prepared for a fight.

Wanna go to high ridge?

Holy Sh*t people in high ridge realy know how to fight!

by High Ridger August 1, 2011

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ridge high school

ridge high school is labeled “the suicide school” by many towns. it is filled with preppy kids who think they are the shit because mommy and daddy have enough money to bail them out of jail when they get arrested for selling crack for juul pods. the kids are mean and viscous towards one another. sure the education is great but the schools staff does not care about your children’s mental health. if u walk into that school you will see one of three options.

1. the kid who is extremely bitchy because they hate themselves

2. the really depressed kid who has no friends and is a genuine nice person but can’t deal with everyone’s bullshit
3. the kid who smiles a fuck ton but is really depressed and pops pills to forget about their problems.
all in all, ridge high school is filled with juul addicted, sad, and bitchy teens who get ruined by their school.
- a basking ridge teen herself

should i move to ridge
fuck no do u wanna kill your self?
_ ridge high school is a town that makes u depressed and suicidal

by smd666999 January 5, 2019

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Ridge High School

Ridge High School is a school in New Jersey that is misunderstood but transparent at the same time. The school is filled with lots of white preppy kids, who of many are bratty and can be assholes. They can be judgy outside of their group. The groups of basking ridge are, 1. the white preppy kids, who party, but end up hating it. 2. The Indian and Asian groups who are smart and judge the white kids just as much who don’t have 4.0 GPA’s . And the “geeks” who are misunderstood. There is a huge diversity in basking ridge but little African Americans. The diversity is in the Asian and Indian culture. We have a great education system, one of the best public schools in NJ. sports aren’t the greatest but we have outstanding Hockey and Lacrosse. Unbelievable arts in specifically theatre that is amazing funded and put on great shows every year. You see the reason people have mental health issues here are because of 1. Academic Standards, and 2. Social standards. If you have below a 3.5 GPA don’t try to talk about school. Everyone wants to party but once you get there you see how much of a shitshow it is. Basking Ridge is a rich town but many people have things going on behind the scenes, lots of family issues and some people in basking ridge look rich but are struggling to make mortgage every month because of how expensive it is to live there. Ridge is a school where if you find your people it’s a great fit, but if you have a cringe reputation or a bad reputation it won’t ever go away.

“We are playing Ridge High School again?”
“Yeah time to go face the preppy snobby white kids with no athletic ability”

by Anonymous1936730 March 3, 2022

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Marvin Ridge High

A homophobic, diVerSe, school. The staff tries too hard to make people feel accepted when in reality people want to be different. Think of a preppy private school, but public. The teachers are fine, some don't even know how to teach. I wouldn't move to this school they're already enough people here.

Girls who aren't white, popular and drop-dead gorgeous don't get noticed. Guys act like they're all hard-core and in gangs but we all know they live in a mansion with 2 golden retrievers and they're parents are still together.

Like every high school, they're certain cliques that you probably want to stay away from. The awkward anime kids who don't shower, the rude white boys who think since their parents are rich they can treat everyone with no respect, think of a college Chad, but more immature. But then again they're the ones who are fine and you might even misjudge, the emo kids, who are incredibly nice and are probably bi or pan, but who cares in 2019 it's about time we grow up and figure out who we really are. Juniors are always the nicest, just don't get on their bad side.

But in the end, we are still a school, who is misjudged in ways, but judge correctly in certain ways as well. The freshman class is always annoying but what can you do about it.

Teacher; "let's talk about mental health"
Highschool chads; "lEt'S taLK aBOuT mENtAL hEaLtH"

There ya go an accurate definition of a Marvin Ridge Highschool chad.

by joemama2910 October 7, 2019

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ridge high school

Ridge High School is one of the best public high schools in New Jersey, that is located in the town of Basking Ridge. They dominate at every sport, and are better than every high school in New Jersey, like Scotch Plains, Watchung Hills, and Bernards. Those are 3 of the most terrible highschools in the world. Ridges education system remains flawless, and most of our students have been very successful in life.

Ridge high school rocks

by Kik mi January 9, 2017

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Marvin Ridge High School

Marvin is 22 miles south of Charlotte. Recently it was unofficially dubbed the town full of the most rich people in the state of North Carolina. We have a fast growing population of 6,500. The rich kids (the families who make more than $350,000) attend Marvin Ridge, the richest, newest, and highest rated high school out of the thirteen in Union County.

A school dichotomized by two major factions -- nerds/aspiring students and the rest of the athletes /rich kids. Central is also paradoxical in many forms.


1) Our School is home to a kid who got no questions wrong on both the SAT and the ACT -- despite the fact that he was stoned during both tests.

2) Often a locus for great athleticism, Marvin Ridge routinely succeeds in football and basketball. After the sports games, it is not unusual to see a kid picked up in a Rolls Royce Phantom.

3) We are located in one of the wealthiest cities in the state of North Carolina, yet our school is always the last school to get new computers because the rich white kids will just tear them up in 3 months because they have Affluenza.

4) Finally, Marvin Ridge is horribly over-crowded. However, it's still better than sending your kids to a private school, as Marvin Ridge has better test scores than said school- probably.

Our motto is the Mavericks, and I'm sure the rich people at our school could win a lawsuit with Ford if needed.
Marvin Ridge High School is a raucous concrete jungle, but I sure as hell will not miss it.

I love the smell of money in Marvin Ridge High School.

At Marvin Ridge High School, it will not be uncommon to announce the winner of a national award, or a 36 ACT, and have the fire alarm pulled in the same day.

At MRHS, I saw many preppy kids, interspersed with nerds and stoners.

I wish our school had a pool, but I'm sure some rich white guy will have one installed someday because of how rich the school is.

The grafitti in the MRHS men's restroom indicates that our school is filled with many preppy, Republican, closet Neo-Nazis.

by PrayToLose June 25, 2021

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Dakota Ridge High School

An American high school located on a wind-blown precipice
in the far western shit-hole suburbs of Denver,Co.

This funky corn-hole of secondary education is only notable for not being Columbine.It is a massing of the spoiled progeny of parents one step up from the white trash and one mortgage payment from smoking pole for crack rock.

The athletic teams get beat like a drum every year and the teachers think that To Kill A Mockingbird is cutting edge literature.

In short,Boo good!DRHS sucks your brain like a juice box.

Mom:Look at those black criminals on CSI!

DRHS student:Quit smoking meth out of that light bulb and listen.At Dakota Ridge High School,we are taught that they are metaphorical mockingbirds.So shut your crankhole and help me bust up this chiffarobe.

by Phunky Wagnalls January 20, 2012

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