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homo fapper

The latest link in the devolution chain, is kinda like homo faber but instead of making (faber = maker in Latin) is fapping. Usually it is found living in a type of matriarchal social commune called kibbutz. It also lives hidden in urban areas mostly governed by socialists and it names itself woke, marxist, cultural-marxist, antifa, SJW etc. It's very dysgenic genotype also marks it's phenotype appearing ugly, skinny with a very grotesque hooked nose, sometimes surgically altered for mimicry.

The Greatest Scientific Discoveries of the newest century are presented each year at the Museum of Natural Science. Year 2024.
Professor Chad Thundercok takes to the stage while the public applauds incessantly. He raises an Aryan hand beckoning total silence, then starts:

- I am here today to unveil to you the latest anthropologic discovery. Thanks to the advancements of OnlyFans reverse video transcriptase we managed to record the elusive beta soyman that consooms the OnlyFans material. He is some sort of homo erectus, although only a minuscule part of him is erect. Very seldom.
- Behold: the Homo Fapper !
- I must warn you: never enter upon its habitat, nor interrupt his fapping activity for you will be in peril of being covered with spontaneous and hazardous goo emissions. They transmit monkey pox, syphilis, AIDS all kinds of homo illnesses. Also, watch this coomer at your own risk, as no amount of cute cat videos will eye bleach your vision.
The watching audience:

- EEWWWW ! While some were asking:
- Why does he have a hooked nose?

Professor Chad Thudercok:
- It's schnozzle it is a clear genetic sign of retardness and inbreeding. Luckily it's also a way to recognize them when they hide amongst ourselves in society, and hopefully one day we will find a solution to cure them. A final one.

by xythras September 24, 2024

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