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homo promo

Any ad or commercial that appeals, due to the strategic use of either clothing, props, colors or language, to someone of the gay persuasion.

The latest Mini Cooper ad is such a homo promo.

by schnargy March 17, 2004

27👍 3👎

homo promo

A gay couple particpating in a sexual act in front of others

Max and Sam had a homo promo at a party with their all their friend

by Danielle March 17, 2004

11👍 12👎

homo promo

Radio or television advertisment for the fruit loops comprising "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy."

Every time I turn on the TV they're showing another one of those damn homo promos!

by Richie Rich March 18, 2004

9👍 13👎

homo promo

Myja Johnson

Fo shizzle my nizzle My Ja Johnson

by Myja Johnson March 16, 2004

5👍 11👎