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21👍 4👎
something that scares you to the point of soiling your paints.
That picture of Morgan is so horrifying that I had to change my pants.
13👍 3👎
Something horrifying is unimaginably frightening and disturbing. It can vary from anything including an unpleasant car crash or seeing someone break down into a savage rage. Horrifying things are likely to give you nightmares or potentially scar you for life. This word has a far stronger meaning than simply being scary or creepy.
The woman woke up to the horrifying sight of a rapist dangling the severed head of her baby with a sinister smile on his face.
A hacker who hacks many gibsons, has maximum swagger, jacks online accounts, and fucked your bitch
Man 1 " Hey man I heard you got doxed by Horrify"
Man 2 " Yeah he took my xbox account too"
Man 1 " What else did he do?"
Man 2 " He fucked my bitch"
17👍 5👎
man#1 - How dare you horrify me in that way.
*man#2 steps away from behind man#1*
8👍 4👎
the best person ever. full of beauty
talya is horrifying- yeah ik she’s so good looking
Credit Goes To" Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary."
Merriam Webster Online. 22 December 2009
Main Entry: hor·ri·fy
Pronunciation: \ˈhor-ə-ˌfī, ˈhär-\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): hor·ri·fied; hor·ri·fy·ing
1 : The way that man was acting toward his wife was completely "horrifying!"
2 : To cause to feel horror
synonyms see dismay
— hor·ri·fy·ing·ly \-ˌfī-iŋ-lē\ adverb
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