Similar to the village bike just the hospital edition. This is the work slut that is known from the top floor to bottom floor, but is known best for her work on the gentleman’s floor. If you run into her in the elevator, the code words are “going down?......which floor?” She will show you what floor she’s getting off on.
Everyone needs to ride or use the hospital bike at some point, so from Doctors on down to pharmacy techs, to research study participants, to bed pan boys...they all get a turn to ride the bike.
Hey they always say Doctors know best, well Dr. Sammy told me to try out the hospital bike tonight. I told him that she has a BF and he said.....”hahaha, yeah She tells him she doesn’t know how to ride a bike. Oh she rides, trust me.”
2. Hey has anyone seen the hospital bike, I’m so horny? Check the floor 5 storage room. I saw her crushing on some silver scat daddy earlier up there. That bike Sure gets a lot of use.