When you are making out with a random Eastern European person while standing in close proximity to someone with whom you'd much rather be making out (a.k.a. Your soulmate). Your soulmate must also be slaying a rando, preferably a serviceman. Eye contact with your soulmate is required.
Friend 1: "Yo, did you see Ryan giving Nicole the Hungarian Wrap-Around at the tent dance last night?"
Friend 2: "Yea she was totally crushing Fat Coasty with her mouth. But also, Ryan is a fucking chotch."
Friend 1: "Yea seriously. Next time I see him carrying his fucking orgo-playset, I'm going to jandro that shit."
Friend 3 (while shoulder shrugging): "Ayyyyyyy"
Friends 1 & 2: "Shut the fuck up, Cem"
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