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Hurricane Irma

Go fuck yourself

Florida: Wow! It's been 12 years since we've been hit by a major hurricane. We will probably be fine this year.
Hurricane Irma: hold my beer.

by Nopenopenope2017 September 7, 2017

30👍 1👎

Hurricane Irma

A powerful Category 5 hurricane that affected the Virgin islands, Caribbean, Bahamas, Cuba, and many more cyclone-prone areas. This hurricane cause catastrophic damage and flooding to, as well as death contributed to hurricane Irma's wrath..

Hurricane Irma really caused alot of unprecedented damage...

by SnellyBob JoeSpends September 22, 2017

hurricane irma

a lil bad bitch that doesn't know where the heck she's going or how strong she is

But she doesn't intimidate Florida

Friend 1:"why isn't Kenzie here yet?"
Friend 2"IDK she's pulling a hurricane irma"

by easteregg12 September 7, 2017

11👍 3👎