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a bathroom or toliet.

does anyone have to use the hydrant?

excuse me a second, i've gotta use the hydrant.

by Jesse Colburn March 29, 2008

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a person who attracts the (often unwanted) attention of dogs.

see fire hydrant.

"he's always flirting with girls he wouldn't date in a million years."

"yeah, he's a total hydrant"

by hammond swiss March 20, 2005

10๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Large Penis

Your not going to stick that Hydrant in me, it would split me wide open.

by Avienn September 11, 2009

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A large butt plug, so named because it resembles a fire hydrant in size.

Baby loves her hydrant more than she loves me.

by Col. Dr. April 24, 2006

6๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

fear hydrant

This refers to fear mongering by the media and political groups, to manipulate the public, by emphasizing things that could cause fright.

The storylines about disease, war and climate are designed to have viewers drink from a fear hydrant!

by I, Wreckerrr May 14, 2021

shit hydrant

Adjective - a bad situation that is becoming worse

Example: "Not only did I get fired but my wife left me. This day has been a total shit hydrant."

by Ryo-FFXIV November 12, 2013

Cum Hydrant

When vast amounts of semen are excreted from the head of the penis.

Phyllis: Gurrrl, why yo eyes so messed up?

Brittany: I didn't realize Billy Bob cums so much; it was like a cum hydrant!

Phyllis: Oh! I've made that mistake before.

by Dr. Purple Cock February 5, 2014

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